Invictus Psychological Services

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How To Build Trust In Your Relationship

This is a five-minute video clip from John Gottman discussing the role of trust in maintaining a strong intimate relationship. He is the most well-known marriage scholar in the world. His decades of research allow him to predict with 90% accuracy whether a couple will divorce in the five years following his observations. If your financial planner had that kind of ability when recommending stocks and mutual funds you would be crazy wealthy. Take the time to watch the video, you’ll be better for it… and keep in mind, much of what he says applies to other relationships as well.

Helping Teens To Get A Good Start When Entering High School

How you start off can have a big impact on how you end. This is true of projects, road trips, careers, relationships and more. Many young teens right now are getting ready to enter high school. The final frontier before launching off into the world of adulthood. The linked article discusses how you can help your teen get off to a good start in high school.


Anxiety In The Gene Pool … Or, Are You Destined To Be Anxious?

This brief article from the University of North Carolina looks at the link between genetics and anxiety. It provides a nice overview of the research, and rightly concludes that genetics plays a role in anxiety (for many people), but is not the final authority when it comes to whether someone will always be burdened by anxiety.


The Remarkable Role Of Exercise As A Mental Health Booster

You regularly read about the physical benefits of exercise. Less often do you hear of the tremendous mental health benefits that are had by engaging in strenuous activity. This article gives insight into what exercise can do for your mental health, and how the brain responds when you jump off the couch and into the gym. Time to get moving.