
Is Your Therapy Headed In The Right Direction?

Is Your Therapy Headed In The Right Direction?

Working with a psychotherapist requires a significant investment of time, energy and money. Knowing that your efforts in counseling are leading to success is important. But sometimes it is difficult to judge whether progress is being made. This is particularly true if you have no previous experience with psychotherapy.

Psychiatric Medication: How To Decide When It Makes Sense

Psychiatric Medication: How To Decide When It Makes Sense

Taking medication to address a mental health issue is a decision that weighs heavily on some folks. They might feel there is a social stigma attached to medication, or they may feel that they should be able to solve their problems without taking any medications. There is a way of viewing the role of medication that avoids getting caught up in these mental Escape Rooms, and makes forming a decision about their use much easier.

News You Can Use

News You Can Use

Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

News You Can Use July 23, 2021

News You Can Use  July 23, 2021

Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

Seduced Into Neverland

The recent HBO special “Leaving Neverland” raises important questions about how sexual predators manipulate children and their parents in ways that make it easier to sexually abuse their victims. This article examines how child sex abusers work to gain access to children and then maintain their silence. The impact of sexual abuse is briefly discussed, as are ways to help children who have suffered abuse.

How To Find The Best Therapist (Part I)

How To Find The Best Therapist (Part I)

Finding the best therapist to work with can be difficult. There are many variables that go into making a good match between a potential client and therapist, and the prospect can seem daunting. But finding the right therapist is well worth the effort, and it doesn’t need to be unnecessarily exhausting or draining - read on for three key tips to help you find the best therapist.

Trauma Part II: Simple Ways to Gain Relief

Trauma Part II: Simple Ways to Gain Relief

PTSD and the symptoms it causes can create many challenges, from fear of particular places/people/things to insomnia to feelings of unbearable sadness, and so forth. These challenges can interfere with daily life and sometimes seem like they will be a burden you must bear forever. The good news is that these symptoms can be alleviated and need not last forever. Read on for several strategies that can minimize symptoms of PTSD and free you to live a more happy life.

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