
Beating Depression Without Medication

Beating Depression Without Medication

Antidepressants are a commonly relied upon solution to help reduce the symptoms of depression. But many people do not respond well to these medications, and many more experience significant side effects. Research shows that there is an alternative that is free of side effects, and equally effective in combating depression. This alternative is far too often overlooked, despite the impressive body of research that supports its power to diminish depression.

Seeking Intimacy And Feeling Empty

Seeking Intimacy And Feeling Empty

Healthy intimacy combines a sense of belonging with a sense of being deeply appreciated and desired. Because healthy intimacy involves being prized despite your flaws and shortcomings, this depth of belonging is rare. It requires building a sturdy foundation of trust, a prerequisite for genuine self-disclosure. This process is risky and consequently, time-consuming. Many people, however, try to take shortcuts. They substitute…

Why Are So Many Teens Depressed, Anxious And Suicidal?

Why Are So Many Teens Depressed, Anxious And Suicidal?

Teens, known for being anxious and insecure, are given the opportunity through smartphones and social media to relentlessly compare themselves to idealized versions of their peers. At the same time as they judge themselves to be failing in this regard, the same technology also opens a portal for them to be bullied and criticized by peers throughout the day. In the pre-smartphone era, a teenager’s home could be a ‘safe’ place free from the influence of negative evaluations by peers at school. No longer.

Suicide: How To Help Prevent The Unthinkable

Suicide: How To Help Prevent The Unthinkable

People who commit or attempt suicide often report feeling hopeless. Struggling with emotional turmoil, feeling helpless to bring about a solution, the suicidal person most often simply wants to escape the pain that unceasingly presses in on them from all sides. Contrary to popular opinion, they are not looking to obtain heaven. Their primary wish is to escape the hell of their current experience.

When Depression Hits: Do You Know The Signs To Look For?

When Depression Hits: Do You Know The Signs To Look For?

If you know what the signs of depression are, then you are much better able to take action before this problem becomes deeply rooted. Before it takes a devastating role on your life. In the following we will look at nine clear signs to look for in order to cut depression off before it gains momentum.

News You Can Use

News You Can Use

Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

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