Building Mental Strength To Win In Life

Building Mental Strength To Win In Life

Persistence, tenacity, or the “never give up” attitude has been shown to distinguish those who reach their goals in life and those who do not. This mental quality is often referred to as “grit” and a great deal of research has been focused both on its impact, and how it can be developed. In this post I go over the core steps you should take to strengthen your grit, to become the tenacious individual that sets goals and achieves them, and then goes on to even greater victories.

Two Keys For Creating A Family That Thrives

Two Keys For Creating A Family That Thrives

Families that are happy and thriving have two things in common: a high degree of cohesion and strong morale. Developing these attributes within the family seems to come naturally to some parents, but for most of us it requires a sustained intentional effort and hard work. In this article we look at some of the key things parents can do to build a healthy sense of cohesion and morale within the family, and how to make repairs when the inevitable conflicts and clashes occur.

Pre-Marriage Checklist

Pre-Marriage Checklist

Both husbands and wives need to bring into a marriage certain personal qualities if their relationship is to survive, and better yet thrive, through the stress and storms of life. Some of these characteristics are obvious, but others are less often considered before moving forward to become married. In this article we will look at nine qualities that can help a marriage flourish.

Important Signs of Child/Teen Depression - And How To Turn Things Around

Important Signs of Child/Teen Depression - And How To Turn Things Around

Depression is not limited to adults. Many children and teens will struggle with depression prior to reaching adulthood. It can be a confusing and frightening experience for parents and their offspring. In today’s article we look at how to identify whether a youngster has significant depression, and how best to respond when depression is present.

Seduced Into Neverland

The recent HBO special “Leaving Neverland” raises important questions about how sexual predators manipulate children and their parents in ways that make it easier to sexually abuse their victims. This article examines how child sex abusers work to gain access to children and then maintain their silence. The impact of sexual abuse is briefly discussed, as are ways to help children who have suffered abuse.

The Key To Overcoming Relationship Anxieties and Fears

The Key To Overcoming Relationship Anxieties and Fears

Anxiety can easily inject itself into our relationships and create heartache. Most often it is the fear of being close to others makes emotional intimacy challenging. Such anxieties usually centered around feelings of vulnerability, inadequacy, or fears related to taking on responsibility. Very often the response to such feelings is to find ways to gain emotional distance. As a result, these relationships fail to gain momentum. They stall, and eventually die from lack of deep connection.

How To Supercharge Your Learning Curve

How To Supercharge Your Learning Curve

People who hone a skill, who develop some ability so that it is far above that of their peers, enjoy a unique sense of competency and mastery. This heady experience is not saved only for those with Olympic like abilities. Nearly everyone has one or two natural talents that, if given focused attention, could be developed into something exceptional. The question is not whether you have such a talent that could be built upon, but how to build it up to its full potential. That question is examined in today’s article.

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep

Good sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy mood and peak mental/physical performance. But millions of Americans (that includes Folsom residents - don’t think you are immune from this problem) fail to consistently get a good night’s rest. Today’s article takes a close look at practical things you can do to quickly get your sleep routine under control and enjoy the benefits of grabbing some healthy ZZZZ’s.

How To Have A Great Argument... And Stay Friends

How To Have A Great Argument... And Stay Friends

The principles that I want to write about today, those guidelines for having a good argument, apply to nearly all types of relationships. Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships, but disagreements don’t have to be destructive. In this article are some good guidelines that can help you approach arguments in a way that is constructive and leads to better outcomes and improved relationships.



When therapists refer to someone as depressed they have something much more severe and more specific in mind. Indeed, therapists try to be very specific regarding depression and therefore divide this concept into various subtypes such as major depressive disorder, dysthymia, cyclothymia, etc.  In this guide, we will explore some of the different ways depression can rear its head, as well as some of the most effective treatment approaches that can be used to help one overcome depression.



Raising children is tough. What makes it even more difficult is when we make parenting choices that seem right, but end up making problems much worse. There is an easy way to avoid this, but before we can do that we have to be able to spot the problem. Today we’ll take a close look at how you can determine if you are making this common mistake and how to quickly turn things around.

Depression & Anxiety: Acting The Way You Want To Feel

Depression & Anxiety: Acting The Way You Want To Feel

It may often feel like our feelings determine our reality - we feel happy, so life is good. We feel kind and patient with others, so we are good people. Or conversely, we feel unkind or impatient, so we are unkind or impatient. We may feel very sad or very angry, so we take that to mean our life is not good (at least not right now). In reality, our behaviors have much more to do with our reality than our feelings. By changing what we do - regardless of how we feel in the moment - we can shape our lives into what we want them to be and, in turn, change ourselves into happier, more well-adjusted people.

Depression: An Easy Guide to the Signs of Depression and Treatments for Depression

Depression: An Easy Guide to the Signs of Depression and Treatments for Depression

Have you ever wondered if you or a loved one is struggling from depression? The question can feel overwhelming, and finding a solution to help with depression even more so. This article shares some information to help you identify depression, understand how widespread it is, and find solutions to help.

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