Three Beliefs That Are Holding You Back - And How To Be Rid Of Them

Three Beliefs That Are Holding You Back -  And How To Be Rid Of Them

I’ve listened to hundreds of men and women talk about their biggest fears and their most exciting triumphs. They have spoken about what brings them the most joy, and that which creates clouds of discontent.

Through these privileged conversations, I have detected a common thread. A set of core beliefs that lead to frustration and self-doubt. Once these false assumptions are jettisoned, greater happiness follows.

Top Ten Reasons Therapists Give For Conquering Your Fears

Top Ten Reasons Therapists Give For Conquering Your Fears

People who are controlled by their fears are destined to live unhappy lives: tepid reflections of what they might have experienced had they pushed aside their anxieties and focused on living up to their potential. In today’s article we look at the reasons ten therapists from across the United States give for fighting back against your fears.

Breaking Free Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Breaking Free Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ruins lives by filling people with worry, and prodding them to respond with time consuming rituals and behaviors. It is nearly impossible to live up to your full potential when burdened by OCD. The intensity of anxiety it creates can make you feel as though you are living in an alternate universe - one that is saturated with danger. Fortunately there is a way to break free of OCD, to find greater peace of mind, more happiness, and a clearer sense of purpose.

When You Are Too Busy Parenting To Remember Your Marriage

When You Are Too Busy Parenting To Remember Your Marriage

It is common for parents to get so busy caring for their children and attending to the countless duties that come with being “Mom and Dad” that they neglect their marriage. In fact, the parents’ marriage is the foundation of family, and investing in their relationship with each other is one of the best things parents can do for their children.

Soul Mate Myths

Soul Mate Myths

Finding a soulmate is wonderful in the same way that it would be terrific to discover the fountain of youth, or stumble upon the City of Gold, or make friends with mermaids. Great fun to think about in the same way that many fantasies are enjoyable. But judging romantic relationships by how they measure up to some mythical soulmate status is sure to create disappointment and heartache. There are better ways to approach this task, and they are all grounded in reality.



Anxiety is a part of life. Usually a fleeting state. Nothing that takes over your life, but just passes through like a brief rain shower. Sometimes, however, fears may begin to multiply. Instead of passing through quickly they hang out like house guests who overstayed their welcome. Then these fears start to nag and demand more and more of your time. It’s challenging enough when this happens with an adult, but when it happens to a teen it can be life altering. Fortunately, a little help from a well informed parent can do wonders to kick these anxieties to the curb and get the teens life back on track.

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself: Without Losing Your Mind

Small, seemingly trivial and common place every day decisions have an enormous impact on the destinations one reaches in life. When we find ourselves feeling perpetually stuck, or repeatedly getting into relationships and situations that are distressing and all too familiar, its time to adjust the type of decisions one is making on a daily basis. Chances are they have had a major influence in creating unproductive or even destructive patterns in your life. The good news is these decisions can be easily shifted toward more positive outcomes. It’s just a matter of making a few adjustments to put yourself back on a positive life course.

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