
How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself: Without Losing Your Mind

Small, seemingly trivial and common place every day decisions have an enormous impact on the destinations one reaches in life. When we find ourselves feeling perpetually stuck, or repeatedly getting into relationships and situations that are distressing and all too familiar, its time to adjust the type of decisions one is making on a daily basis. Chances are they have had a major influence in creating unproductive or even destructive patterns in your life. The good news is these decisions can be easily shifted toward more positive outcomes. It’s just a matter of making a few adjustments to put yourself back on a positive life course.

Psychiatric Medication: How To Decide When It Makes Sense

Psychiatric Medication: How To Decide When It Makes Sense

Taking medication to address a mental health issue is a decision that weighs heavily on some folks. They might feel there is a social stigma attached to medication, or they may feel that they should be able to solve their problems without taking any medications. There is a way of viewing the role of medication that avoids getting caught up in these mental Escape Rooms, and makes forming a decision about their use much easier.

News You Can Use

News You Can Use

Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

News You Can Use July 23, 2021

News You Can Use  July 23, 2021

Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

Lower Anxiety and Depression by Working Out: Help Getting Started

Lower Anxiety and Depression by Working Out: Help Getting Started

Even modest exercise can help beat back anxiety and depression. But most people find it difficult to consistently put in the work required to gain these benefits. The problem is often that regular exercise has not become a habit. People quit before having trained their brain to make working out something that feels like a “need” rather than a dreaded “chore.” There are some simple ways to push through this barrier and unlock the wealth of benefits that come from breaking a sweat.

Building Mental Strength To Win In Life

Building Mental Strength To Win In Life

Persistence, tenacity, or the “never give up” attitude has been shown to distinguish those who reach their goals in life and those who do not. This mental quality is often referred to as “grit” and a great deal of research has been focused both on its impact, and how it can be developed. In this post I go over the core steps you should take to strengthen your grit, to become the tenacious individual that sets goals and achieves them, and then goes on to even greater victories.

Important Signs of Child/Teen Depression - And How To Turn Things Around

Important Signs of Child/Teen Depression - And How To Turn Things Around

Depression is not limited to adults. Many children and teens will struggle with depression prior to reaching adulthood. It can be a confusing and frightening experience for parents and their offspring. In today’s article we look at how to identify whether a youngster has significant depression, and how best to respond when depression is present.

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep

Good sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy mood and peak mental/physical performance. But millions of Americans (that includes Folsom residents - don’t think you are immune from this problem) fail to consistently get a good night’s rest. Today’s article takes a close look at practical things you can do to quickly get your sleep routine under control and enjoy the benefits of grabbing some healthy ZZZZ’s.



When therapists refer to someone as depressed they have something much more severe and more specific in mind. Indeed, therapists try to be very specific regarding depression and therefore divide this concept into various subtypes such as major depressive disorder, dysthymia, cyclothymia, etc.  In this guide, we will explore some of the different ways depression can rear its head, as well as some of the most effective treatment approaches that can be used to help one overcome depression.

Depression & Anxiety: Acting The Way You Want To Feel

Depression & Anxiety: Acting The Way You Want To Feel

It may often feel like our feelings determine our reality - we feel happy, so life is good. We feel kind and patient with others, so we are good people. Or conversely, we feel unkind or impatient, so we are unkind or impatient. We may feel very sad or very angry, so we take that to mean our life is not good (at least not right now). In reality, our behaviors have much more to do with our reality than our feelings. By changing what we do - regardless of how we feel in the moment - we can shape our lives into what we want them to be and, in turn, change ourselves into happier, more well-adjusted people.

Depression: An Easy Guide to the Signs of Depression and Treatments for Depression

Depression: An Easy Guide to the Signs of Depression and Treatments for Depression

Have you ever wondered if you or a loved one is struggling from depression? The question can feel overwhelming, and finding a solution to help with depression even more so. This article shares some information to help you identify depression, understand how widespread it is, and find solutions to help.

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