
Soul Mate Myths

Soul Mate Myths

Finding a soulmate is wonderful in the same way that it would be terrific to discover the fountain of youth, or stumble upon the City of Gold, or make friends with mermaids. Great fun to think about in the same way that many fantasies are enjoyable. But judging romantic relationships by how they measure up to some mythical soulmate status is sure to create disappointment and heartache. There are better ways to approach this task, and they are all grounded in reality.

Money, Love and Marriage

 Money, Love and Marriage

Getting married is easy. Staying married is much harder. Remaining married and being happy is harder yet. Of the many topics that create conflict in a marriage money ranks near the top of the list. You can avoid many of the arguments and stress that money causes in marriage if you take a few common sense steps prior to saying “I do.”



Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

News You Can Use July 23, 2021

News You Can Use  July 23, 2021

Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.

Relationship Fears: Grow Confident By Knowing What To Look For In A Healthy Romance

Relationship Fears: Grow Confident By Knowing What To Look For In A Healthy Romance

Many men and women fear becoming close, they have anxiety about forming intimate romantic relationships. As a result they spend much of their lives feeling frustrated, isolated and alone. Knowing what to look for at the beginning of a romantic relationship, the signs that tell you it is headed in a healthy direction, can reduce these fears. and open the door to genuine intimacy.

Three Tips For Breaking Up (Without Breaking Down)

Three Tips For Breaking Up (Without Breaking Down)

Breaking off a romantic relationship can be difficult. Even after all options have been exhausted, some men and women remain entangled in a romance that has no future. They are uncertain how to end the relationship without hurting the person they still care about, and who they at one time deeply loved. Although there is no easy way to bring things to an end, there are a few steps that can be taken that will help. Keep in mind that if you are ending a relationship that has run its course, you are not love’s executioner. You are simply the coroner declaring the obvious. Some practical tips for making a clean break will help you move on.

Bad Boys, Good Girls, Bad Choices

Bad Boys, Good Girls, Bad Choices

Bad Boys make great characters for movies and novels. In real life, however, they seldom make wonderful boyfriends, let alone husbands. Even so, some women find themselves repeatedly entering into relationships with just this type of man, even though it invariably ends with heartache. Understanding what drives this impulse can be the first step to making healthier decisions, and enjoying more rewarding relationships.

Coronavirus And Child Anxiety

Coronavirus And Child Anxiety

Children may become anxious due to the changes that the coronavirus has caused schools, families and cities to make. But the very things that create anxiety can be used to build confidence and mental strength. With a little planning and effort parents can use this difficult moment to instill within their children a greater capacity for resilience.

Building Mental Strength To Win In Life

Building Mental Strength To Win In Life

Persistence, tenacity, or the “never give up” attitude has been shown to distinguish those who reach their goals in life and those who do not. This mental quality is often referred to as “grit” and a great deal of research has been focused both on its impact, and how it can be developed. In this post I go over the core steps you should take to strengthen your grit, to become the tenacious individual that sets goals and achieves them, and then goes on to even greater victories.

Pre-Marriage Checklist

Pre-Marriage Checklist

Both husbands and wives need to bring into a marriage certain personal qualities if their relationship is to survive, and better yet thrive, through the stress and storms of life. Some of these characteristics are obvious, but others are less often considered before moving forward to become married. In this article we will look at nine qualities that can help a marriage flourish.

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