Toxic friendships take a toll on your life. Like anything else that is detrimental, these sort of relationships should be discarded. Many people find it difficult to untangle themself from a toxic friendship, but the solutions are very simple.
Dating: What Is It Good For?
Relying on the standard of “Did I enjoy myself?” for determining whether to continue to date someone is insane. It means relegating these decisions to your limbic system (your lizard brain). When was the last time you asked a reptile for help in making a decision? You see my point. To steer your dating life in a more satisfying direction it is important to minimize the influence of the lizard and rely instead on your frontal cortex. The logical operating center of your brain.
Forgiveness, Happiness, And Health
The ability to forgive others is key to maintaining healthy relationships and having a happy life. How to go about forgiving others, however, is difficult. In part because what it means to forgive is often wrong and includes some mistaken notion that forgiveness means you pretend that what another person did was not really all that bad. Or that forgiveness involves immediately acting as though the person who was forgiven can now be thoroughly trusted. Neither of these ideas is true….
Boosting Confidence in Insecure Teens: Expert Tips and Strategies
Marriage, Money and Mental Health
Money plays a major role in each person’s mental life. For some, it is a measure of success., for others a deep source of security and stability. It can be used to fulfill dreams as well as everyday needs. Given the personal and practical importance attached to money it is little wonder so many couples find it a source of marital acrimony.
Six Simple Strategies To Help Your Teen Become An Effective Student
Teens who learn how to effectively complete homework are at a great advantage when going off to college or entering the workforce. They will certainly have higher grades, but more importantly, they will have developed critical thinking skills. This ability will help them become lifelong learners and maximize their ability to excel in many areas of life. In this article you will discover six strategies for supercharging your teens study habits.
An Example Of Dependent Personality: And How One Woman Broke Free
Being overly dependent on the approval of others leads to a life of worry. Looking over your shoulder to sure that no one is angry with you. Suppressing your own desires, goals, and opinions for the sake of pleasing others. Learning how to throw off the weight of these anxieties, however, opens the door to deeper friendships, more interesting adventures, and a much more fulfilling life.
Why You Must Not Ignore The Problem Of The Shy Child
The very shy child holds back from taking chances. Fearful of dropping their guard, or being assertive, they play it safe. As a result these children miss out on experiences that would otherwise build their confidence, expand their understanding, and increase their happiness. What’s more, extremely shy children are at higher risk for anxiety, depression and other forms of distress. Parents hold the key to reversing these trends and unlocking the more carefree side of their shy child. Doing so can be life changing.
From Socially Awkward To Socially Savvy - In Just Three Steps
Socially awkward? Not sure what to do when meeting new people? Conversations don’t come naturally? Trouble connecting at a deeper more meaningful level? In group settings you frequently feel as though you are on the outside looking in? Not to worry. With a little effort, a streak of persistence, and some common sense strategies, you can go from socially awkward to socially savvy in no time at all.
Fight Anxiety By Risking Failure
The Importance Of Saying “No”
Use Toxic Emotions To Grow Stronger
Soul Mate Myths
Finding a soulmate is wonderful in the same way that it would be terrific to discover the fountain of youth, or stumble upon the City of Gold, or make friends with mermaids. Great fun to think about in the same way that many fantasies are enjoyable. But judging romantic relationships by how they measure up to some mythical soulmate status is sure to create disappointment and heartache. There are better ways to approach this task, and they are all grounded in reality.
Infidelity: How To Move Forward
Infidelity occurs within many relationships, and has one common outcome: trust is broken. Without trust it is not possible to build a vibrant endruing sense of intimacy. Can this essential foundation be rebuilt is the foremost question to answer when determining how to respond after discovering the person you love has betrayed your trust.
How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself: Without Losing Your Mind
Small, seemingly trivial and common place every day decisions have an enormous impact on the destinations one reaches in life. When we find ourselves feeling perpetually stuck, or repeatedly getting into relationships and situations that are distressing and all too familiar, its time to adjust the type of decisions one is making on a daily basis. Chances are they have had a major influence in creating unproductive or even destructive patterns in your life. The good news is these decisions can be easily shifted toward more positive outcomes. It’s just a matter of making a few adjustments to put yourself back on a positive life course.
Better Than Just Happy
To acheive deep fulfillment in life requires focusing on the right priorities. Many people get sidetracked by searching for pleasure rather than putting their energies toward those things that are intrinsically more meaningful. When pleasure takes priority over purpose it invariably leads (paradoxically) to a lack of happiness. Avoiding this trap is simple, but it requires…
Want To Change Your Life? Re-discover Your Potential
Jettison Insecurity And Grow Confident
Insecurity is something everyone experiences. For some it is a rare and passing event. Like a comma in a sentence. It causes a momentary pause, but derails nothing. For others insecurity occurs frequently and with an unnerving intensity that derails everything. What may surprise you to learn is that insecurity is optional. If you are determined, you too can tame insecurity and regain control of your life.
Money, Love and Marriage
Getting married is easy. Staying married is much harder. Remaining married and being happy is harder yet. Of the many topics that create conflict in a marriage money ranks near the top of the list. You can avoid many of the arguments and stress that money causes in marriage if you take a few common sense steps prior to saying “I do.”
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Weekly Highlights Of Interesting & Helpful Articles. Each week brings a sampling of recent insights, or research, related to depression, anxiety, trauma, parenting, relationships or other areas of life. Become informed and use this information to change your life into one that is happier, more fulfilling, and allows you to contribute to those around you.